Internet Cash Machine

I make money every time you visit this page, even if you NEVER buy anything or click any of the offers below.

The Course - Building Your Very Own Internet Cash Machine - Introduction
I can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight. I'm not even a millionaire...yet. But I do make small amounts of money - in U.S. Dollars and cryptocurrency - every time someone visits my little page. I'm actually making a little bit right now for you to take my course. We're talking small fractions of a cent - but believe me, they add up fast. Especially when you're using free, automated traffic to drive traffic to your own pages - which, yes, is totally ethical and legit to do here. If you have the means to get organic traffic for this, even better! But it'll work either way.
Why you should have your own free Internet Cash Machine even if you're doing other things
  1. It's free - You literally have nothing to lose except a few minutes a day. I don't charge a dime for this course, for several very good reasons - aside from the point that I'm still making money just for you to read this - and I'll get into that shortly.
  2. You can do this in a few minutes a day - Look, I get it. You have a life. You probably still have a job of some kind. Even if you don't have a job, you probably have other responsibilities of some kind that take your time. I don't expect you to spend 10 hours a day, 7 days a week on this. If you only have 10 minutes a day, 3 days a week, you can do this. If you can't finish this whole course right now, and can only read a page a day, or even a half a page a day, that's fine! I'll wait. It's not going anywhere.
  3. You can put this on autopilot.This course is designed to show you how I automatically bring in small amounts of money every time someone visits my page - even more if they take advantage of the other free and/or cheap opportunities on the page - but something no matter what.
  4. I'm not going to waste your time (or mine) with a bunch of fluff. This course is designed for someone with a sixth-grade reading level to be able to complete in an hour. Yes, I went to college, but no, you don't need a college degree to make this work for you. One of my creative writing professors stressed that if you want to be a successful writer, the optimum reading level to write your work is a sixth grade reading level, because most people read at or above that. Additionally, many people who sell information products (most of whom I despise, but this is a good point) point out that short and sweet is a lot better in terms of keeping someone's attention than long-winded and liking to hear yourself talk. Less is more. Within reason...
  5. There are many other reasons to invest this time and no money whatsoever in yourself, but I feel like we should get started before I lose your interest.

Internet Cash Machine. ©2021 Internet Cash Machine Systems. You may freely redistribute this page on your own websites, as long as you include a link to the free course above., fast and efficient autosurf

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