Internet Cash Machine

Page 2 - Building Your Internet Cash Machine Page

Believe it or not, this is the easy part. I'm going to walk you through everything.

Your Internet Cash Machine Page Code

The first thing you need to do is get the Internet Cash Machine page source code, and assuming you're using a PC, hit Ctrl-A on your keyboard to Select all. If you're using anything but a PC the procedure may be different. Then Ctrl-C (again, if you're using a PC) to copy.
Now log into your Neocities if you're not already logged in. You'll want to create a page called index.html - this will be the homepage for your website. Once the file is created, hover your mouse over the filename and select "Edit." You'll see an HTML editor with numbers to the left of the lines. Click anywhere in that, Ctrl-A to select everything, then Ctrl-V to paste your copied code. Then click Save (or Ctrl-S), then click View.
Neocities doesn't always update right away after you save, so if you don't see something that looks like an Internet Cash Machine Page, press F5 to refresh.
Okay, now you have your very own Internet Cash Machine page published, but it's still got all of MY reflinks on it. Though I wouldn't be mad if it stayed that way at all, I'm assuming you would prefer to get my reflinks replaced with your very own.
I know what you're thinking about now...but you said I wouldn't have to know any HTML! I didn't lie. You won't. All you're doing is copying and pasting your pre-made code over mine. If you can copy and paste you can build a web page. You can build hundreds of them. Hell, you can build thousands of them!
By the way, I'm still getting paid while you read this, and since I want to give you good value for someone else's money since they've invested their money in you by giving it to me, let's get going.

Your CoinIMP Reflink

The first thing you're going to want to do is change my CoinIMP code out for yours. I'm assuming you already signed up back in the previous page, but if for some reason you forgot, here's the link again, which opens in a new window.
Now, log in to your CoinIMP account and scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see a referral code (mine is shown in this image.) Copy your reflink, then return to your Neocities page editor, and replace my link with your own.

Replacing my ScarletClicks Reflink with yours

Next, you'll want to replace my Scarlet Clicks reflink with your own. Again, if you forgot to get sign up for Scarlet Clicks, you can still sign up here, and this link opens in a new window.. The Scarlet Clicks reflink is a little tricky, because they word it screwy. You want to click on Promotional Tools, not referrals, from your account page. Believe it or not, that still throws me off quite often, too.

Replacing my Rotate4All reflink with yours

Okay, same drill. If you forgot to sign up for this one, you can sign up with this link, which will open in a new window,, then log into your Rotate4All account, click on your referrals, copy and paste your reflink, then replace mine with yours.

Replacing my Ojooo Wad link with yours

Next you'll want to make sure you replace my Ojooo Wad link with yours - If you forgot to sign up, here you go. Like all the others, this opens in a new window - then go back to your Neocities HTML editor and replace my reflink with yours.

Replacing my Otohits reflink with yours

Next, you want to replace my Otohits reflink with yours, since you'll get free traffic from your referrals with this one. If you forgot to sign up for Otohits (it's okay, we all have our forgetful moments), you can still sign up in a new tab here. You're going to want all the free traffic you can get, especially automated traffic, because with automated traffic, you'll make money no matter what. Your websites will generate a small amount of cryptocurrency just from being open, which you can then convert into real cash in your local currency, whether that's U.S. Dollars like me, or something else. I will get into the dynamics later in this course.

Replacing my Anonymous Ads (A-ADS) with your own

So, in addition to receiving automatic cryptocurrency payments from CoinImp to your page every time it gets a visit from anywhere, you'll be receiving small amounts of Bitcoin for every 1,000 impressions (don't worry, it's incredibly easy to get 1,000 impressions following this system!), and even more if someone actually clicks one of your ads. I've found with Anonymous Ads, the CPM is pretty much guaranteed, though it may fluctuate from day to day. Right now I'm getting about 120 to 500 satoshis per 1,000 impressions, and I don't have to do anything to earn that, because I'm getting that with automated traffic, which we'll cover in the next page.
Log into your Anonymous Ads account (What? You didn't sign up for one on the last page? That's okay, here's your second chance. It happens.)
Now that your page is built with YOUR reflinks, don't forget to save and view it, and maybe test the links to make sure they're working, then let's put it to work by driving some traffic to it!

Internet Cash Machine. ©2021 Internet Cash Machine Systems. All rights reserved. You may not republish this course without express written consent from the original author., fast and efficient autosurf

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Internet Cash Machine©2021 Internet Cash Machine Systems. All rights reserved. You may freely re-publish this page in its entirety, under the condition that doing so constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions.